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Reflecting on what we gained over the past year...

Updated: Feb 15, 2021


If we’ve learned anything, it’s that frame of mind is everything. We shouldn’t ask ourselves what we lost, but instead, what did we gain?

1.) Clarity

We were forced to reevaluate our priorities. As a result, we gained a clear perspective on what mattered most. We increased efficiency with the resources we had, made cuts where necessary, and carefully considered the impact of those decisions on our businesses.

Marketing practices shifted dramatically. In many cases, we saw campaigns pause, advertising budgets slashed, and sales forecasts adjusted in the face of uncertainty. But companies responded by aligning resources with stronger growth opportunities.

The takeaway: the best strategic plans balance clear intent with flexibility.

2.) Purpose

As business owners, one of the most powerful questions we can ask ourselves is ‘why does my company exist?’ Even through uncertainty and change, the most successful companies made purpose-driven decisions based on their mission and brand values. They succeeded by keeping the needs of their customers in mind.

The takeaway: true purpose means serving others and helping our clients however we can.

3.) Connection

Technology created new outlets for brands to communicate with consumers, bringing us closer together (giving us greater access to each other) than ever before. As virtual events and meetings became the norm, we realized how fortunate we were to have platforms that connected us face-to-face, allowed us to exchange ideas in real time, and continue operations (mostly as usual). While nothing replaced in-person interactions, we built communities despite being apart.

The takeaway: regardless of how we communicate, the most powerful connections are with REAL people. There is so much to be gained from taking the time to understand our target customers and most importantly, one another.


I encourage you to think about your brand values - whether personal or professional - and what you’ve gained this past year. Thank you so much for reading!

- AT

Partnering with aspiring entrepreneurs and scaling businesses to execute actionable marketing strategies that drive measurable growth. Explore my service offerings here.


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