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How to get your ideas off the ground...


There's no magic formula. It's a commitment to action.

Step 1: Write your thoughts down.

Remember that the best ideas are those that solve a problem or address a need. Whether it's in a notebook or a digital doc, it's important to get your thoughts down on paper.

Step 2: Create an action plan.

Ideas are powerless without execution. List out the steps and resources needed to bring your ideas to life. To make it easier, consider breaking down the steps into attainable phases.

Step 3: Ask for help if needed.

As a business owner, you don't have to do it all by yourself. Validate your ideas with others that have done it before. If you're unable to do something on your own, find an expert who can help.

Step 4: Test, and test again.

Don't be afraid to fail. The best way to test your ideas is to get them in front of an audience. The quicker you do, the easier it will be to adjust and improve over time.

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